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It’s Simple. It’s Transparent. It’s Secure.

Fight, Prevent & Recover


We auto-respond to chargebacks 24/7 while securing your business through automation, dispute resolution, and potential chargeback prevention.

Efficient Chargeback Prevention

AI-powered Fraud Prevention

Say goodbye to unnecessary chargebacks and fraudulent transactions with real-time AI-powered fraud prevention.

“Order Not Received” Mitigation Tools

Worried about customer disputes due to undelivered orders? Our “Order Not Received” mitigation tools have you covered.

VerifiTM and EthocaTM Chargeback Alerts

With VerifiTM and EthocaTM Chargeback alerts, you’ll receive real-time notifications of potential chargebacks, allowing you to take swift action.

About Nock Back

Auto-Chargeback Recovery Service

Powered by Nock Pay, we’re your trusted partner in securing your hard-earned revenue. Our system responds to all incoming chargebacks with appropriate and accurate justifications. Our advanced technology and personalized strategies detect potential chargebacks before they happen. We don’t just respond; we prevent. Say goodbye to revenue loss and hello to increased profits!


Nock Back is Success!

We A/B test 100s of chargeback responses every week, thus collecting many winning replies. With the power of cold-heart data on our side, your win rate will skyrocket to the max.

Let’s make worry-free transactions with high win rates!

What We Guarantee?

Your Worry about Chargebacks Ends Here!

Whether you sell products or services, we help you optimize your business value through prevention and recovery.

Improved ROI

With us preventing every chargeback, your revenue goes sky-high.

100% Automated

No need to consistently check your inbox. We’ll take care of it.

Success Based Pricing

We only charge a small percentage of what we help you save.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nock Back works with various businesses, such as e-commerce, wholesales, retail, services and subscriptions.

Nock Back employs advanced technology with in-depth data analysis to detect and prevent real-time fraudulent transactions.

Sure, why not? Nock Back offers to customize your chargeback prevention and cater to your industry’s unique needs. As a result, you win disputes quickly and easily.

Yes, Nock Back works with all the major e-commerce platforms

Yes, Nock Back is an advanced chargeback prevention software. With expert analysis, we safeguard your business against revenue loss due to unnecessary chargebacks and fraud.
